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A Note from Your Cannabis Doctor: Understanding Nature and Responsibility

**A Note from Your Cannabis Doctor: Understanding Nature and Responsibility**

I often hear people say, “It’s natural,” as if everything from nature is automatically good and safe for us. But that’s not always true. Think about it for a moment...

Horses eat natural, environmentally safe hay to survive. Even if you find fully organic hay, would you feed it to your children as a meal? Of course not! It might be great for horses, but it’s not meant for humans.

Cannabis is similar. While it can be beneficial for many people and conditions, it’s not safe for everyone or every medical problem.

For instance:

- **Severe Liver Disease**: If you have this, cannabis can worsen your condition, potentially causing serious harm.

- **Mental Health Conditions**: If you have psychosis, bipolar depression, or schizophrenia cannabis can negatively interact with certain medications. Antipsychotic medications, which slow down your nervous system or brain function (like alcohol or Benzodiazepines such as diazepam or Valium), can be particularly affected.

It's crucial to make sensible, informed health choices for yourself and others.

  • Avoid being high while operating heavy machinery

  • Working in areas where alertness is required

  • Putting others at risk.

When in doubt, always consult your doctor or contact US 420 DOC.

We care about your health and safety!

Stay informed and be responsible!

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